Timeneye Blog

New! Use Tags To Classify Your Time - Timeneye Blog

Written by Stefania | May 31, 2020 10:00:00 PM

Simple, intelligent, and, most importantly, accurate time tracking.

This is our mission!

So today we’re happy to introduce you to our latest feature: Tags for time entries.

Why Tags?

You can’t track time if you don’t know where you spend it. Better yet, where exactly you spend it.

With tags, you can add another level of classification for your time, so you’ll have more order in your timesheets, more accuracy in billing your time, and even more data to run reports on and measure productivity.

How do Tags work?

Tags have to be assigned to a specific time entry. They cannot be assigned to projects, or phases, or phase categories or clients.

The best thing about Tags is that they are very flexible: you can create tags for literally anything. Then you simply select any tag from the lists, and assign more than one tag to each entry.

Tag lists help you manage your tags and keep them organized.

How to set tags in Timeneye

Only owners and admins can create Tag lists and Tags. Once created, the rest of the team will be able to select the ones they need.

In Management>Tags, there’s a dedicated dialog to create and manage Tags:

You can create, manage, and delete your Tags there.

First, create your Tag lists. Then create all the Tags that belong in that list.

How to assign Tags to a time Entry

Open the Register Time Button. Select the project and phase as usual.

You’ll notice a new Tag field. Start typing the name of your Tag, and select the one you need from the list.

(Note: because of the limited space, the menu only shows 20 tags at a time, so if you don’t find the tag you need on the menu, just start typing the tag and it’ll appear in the suggestion.)

If you’re not sure which one you need yet, simply click the filed and you should see a menu to pick your Tags.

Find your Tags in Timeneye

Tags appear on the entries on the dashboard

…. and in the Entries section too!

Tags are not currently available when you track time with the Timeneye Browser Widget. We’re working to bring them there, too, and we expect to release the Tags to the Browser Widget by the end of June. Stay tuned!

Update of June 26th, 2020: tags are officially available on the Timeneye Browser Widget for both Chrome and Firefox 🎉

New: Tag reports and Tag list reports

Time reports are very effective in showing people where their time goes, helping them see time and costs sinks.

Now you can run reports on your Tags and Tags list.

If you want to know how much time you tracked for a particular tag you used, simply run a report and see for yourself. You can also run reports to see how much time was tracked for whole Tag lists.

Give this feature a try and let us know what you think!