How to Timeneye

Timeneye Quick start Guide


The basics: What is Timeneye?

Timeneye is a time-tracking tool designed with simplicity in mind. Thanks to its straightforward and intuitive interface, Timeneye is the perfect time tracking software for enterprisessmall teams, and freelancers.   

Timeneye will help you monitor projects, stay within budget, visualize your daily effort, and analyze team performance, all in one place!  

Ultimately, Timeneye will help you turn your time into actionable insights, so you can take data-driven decisions and improve the productivity of your organization. 

What can I do during the trial? 

You can try any of Timeneye’s features during the 14-day trial. In fact, we recommend you play around with the app as much as possible to understand if Timeneye is good for you! 

Our Apps 

Timeneye Web 
Timeneye Browser Widget: for Chrome, Firefox, for Microsoft Edge 
Timeneye App for Android 
Timeneye App for iOS 

Microsoft Teams user? Make sure to download and install the Timeneye app for Microsoft Teams

What you will find in the workspace 

In the Dashboard, you will have a weekly calendar with a visual representation of the time you have tracked day by day. When you start tracking time on a Project, a colorful card will appear in your Dashboard showing the length of your time entry and the project’s Phase linked to it. 

On the left side, you can see the main menu in blue, allowing you to move smoothly between the different parts of your workspace (TasksTeamProjectsClientsReports, Timsheets, and Expenses).  Please note that sections like Expenses may not show up immediately when you log in for the first time. You need to activate it from the Workspace settings.

You can find the recap modules on the right-hand side: project recapclient recapphase categories, and personal budget recaps. You can personalize the module's position and type by clicking the gear button.  

New Owner dashboard

What you need to do right away 

Create projects

Every minute you track in Timeneye must be assigned to a Project (and Phase). 

Our onboarding sequence lets you create projects right after you sign up.

For any other projects you need to create in Timeneye, follow the procedure below.

You can create a new project from the Register Time window or inside the Projects section of Timeneye.  

creating project


1. Fill in the Project information. Type the Project name in the text box and select a color ,to better identify the project in the Dashboard;

2. Add Team Members. Add your team members so they can also track time for that project. You can start the project with just yourself on it and, later on, add your colleagues;

3. Add Phases. Phases break down projects into smaller steps. Add at least one phase per project.

Optional: You can set an hourly budget for your project, or make it billable. We also recommend adding tags (more on that later).

 Tips for setting up your phases

Phases break down the projects into smaller steps. They can be the actual phases of your project or the single activities you perform for that client within the project. Remember to create at least one phase per project!


  • A project called “Marketing” can have phases like “Social Media” or “Email Marketing”, “Market Research”;
  • If you build an app, the phases can be “App 1.0”, “2.0”, and so on.

Not sure what phases to use? Select the option “Copy from…” and use our templates!

Optional but highly recommended:

Create Tags

In the Management section of your main menu, you'll find a section called the Tags.

Tags serve as customizable labels that can be attached to time entries and projects, enabling a higher level of detail and accuracy. Moreover, tags can be utilized across various projects, further enhancing their versatility and utility.

  1. In the Tags section, start by creating a new Tag list;
  2. Once you have your Tag lists, click the blue "Add new Tag" option to add the individual tags.

How do I add my team to Timeneye?

You can test Timeneye alone if you want to, but in case you are trialing Timeneye with your team, we would recommend to invite a few people to join you right off the bat.
You can invite users from the section Team. All you need to do is to add their name and email address.
You can also invite people later on!

timeneye team

 Quick tip: Import team members from Microsoft/Google

If your team uses Office 365 or Google Suite, we have got you covered.

Right under the green New team members button you will see the options to import your team members automatically from Microsoft or Google Workspace.

Start tracking time!

The core of the time tracking functionalities is the blue Register time button at the left side of the menu.
(Quick tip: you can also open the Register time dialog by double-clicking on the card regarding the activity on each day).
On Timeneye, you can:

 Enter the time manually (i.e.: “2h30”);

 Start a timer and let it run while you work.

Time tracking: manual mode

To register a time entry, click on the blue + button on the left side of the menu. Then

1. Select a Project;
Projects are compulsory to track time in Timeneye. You can pick a project from the list under the Projects menu. If you want to create a new project, click on “New project” and fill in all the project information;
2. Select a Phase
Phases, too, are compulsory to track time, so make sure to have at least one phase for every project. 
3. Enter the time duration (h; mm);
4. Select the date (ddmm, yyyy); 
5. Click on Save entry.

timeneye time entry

Time tracking: timers (real-time)

Timers allow you to track time while you work. If you need a timer to keep you focused on the task at hand and a more precise way of measuring time, you should use timers.
Open the Register Time dialog:

1. Select a Project. If you want to create a new project, click on New Project and fill in all the project information;
2. Select a Phase;
3. Click on the Start timer.

timeneye timer


An active Timer will automatically appear in your calendar.
You can recognize an active timer by the small green dots blinking in the bottom right corner. Timers are also bigger than entries and paused timers.

active timer

Link your work Calendar to Timeneye

We have built native integrations with Outlook Calendar and Google Calendar. Thanks to these integrations, you can bring all your calendar events to Timeneye, and include them in your timesheets.
Link the calendars using the Link Calendars option on the dashboard.

link calendar


Once your calendar is linked, all your events will be imported to Timeneye as Suggestions. Below you see what a suggestion looks like. 

Click on the suggestion to track time, and you will finally know how much time you spend on meetings, conference calls, and so on!


What can I do during the trial?

You can try any of Timeneye’s features during the 14-day trial. In fact, we recommend you play around with the app as much as possible to understand if Timeneye is good for you!

How do I get my team to track time?

Yeah, we know: getting aboard new software can be rocky. Not everybody will get into the habit of tracking right away.

To avoid chasing down your team to get them to track time, we would suggest you:

  • Test Timeneye with a small group of people first, then progressively introduce the rest of the company to the tool;
  • Have your team set up the Daily email reminder (App&User settings>Emails): this feature sets an email that will be sent to the user when Timeneye detects no time tracked for the day;
  • Share this guide with the rest of the team!

How do I receive any help in case I am stuck?

For any questions, comments, or suggestions, contact us at!

Productivity awaits!

Now, go to your Timeneye Workspace to complete your setup 😉

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